This week I had to attend an event in the Highlands. The landscape is alien in comparison to my regular wallpaper of Oxfordshire. A photo opportunity at every bend in the road. It is visually disorientating as there is virtually no discernible horizon. I tried to represent this disorientation but found it hard to read past the picturesque.
I struggle with landscapes as I find that replicating images of them still provides no proof that I was actually there. The scenery is breathtaking in Glenshiel, however, I wanted my images to move past the aesthetics and in some way record me within the landscape. Walking through the landscape felt intrusive, and also isolating. I allowed my hair to blow in front of the lens, I wanted to 'ruin the pretty', obscure the image, disrupt it. Just as I was disrupting a landscape that was quite happy to exist and carry thriving without me.