the language of resonance in dissonance

The Language of Resonance in Dissonance explores the concept of that indefinable quality of recording music. Inspired by the rich storytelling of folk and blues music, I have recontextualized natural and found objects to illustrate the language of music, as chord structures and staves, with the sense of land and people this genre of music reflects, in an attempt to capture the soul that notation misses. Objects and images have been constructed to represent the traditional chords, they explore the expression of the unquantifiable, the instinctive nature of music, and how we attempt to visualize it.

Music notation is inadequate, it provides the sequence of notes, time and key signatures, the use of adjectives; largo, forte, indicate dynamics. But notation cannot record the soul, those powerful subtleties that affect our heartbeat or raise hairs on the back of our neck. The slight delay in a chord, the almost imperceptible slowing of a beat that serves to elevate the following chorus


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